Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Security of a website can't reach 100%, hackers always find new vulnerabilities and they exploit it to attack systems and applications. But you can improve your website security and decrease the chances of getting hacked by following these advices.

For the webserver:

1- choose a web server in mac, mac have more security than Linux, Linux have more security than Windows.

2-if you have a personal server in your computer like big companies have more security than a host servers,

3-a website hosted in a virtual machine (VPS) have more security than a website hosted in a simple machine.

4-the operating system and the applications where the webserver is running, should always get last security updates.

5-the webserver should have antivirus and Anti-DDOS attack protection.

6-the webserver should have a firewall against malicious requests.

For the web application (script):

1- if u use a downloaded script, use the one that have good support and updates, and don't use a lot of (Add-ons, plugins, modules ,gadgets), less add-ons means less vulnerabilities.

2- if the web script is developed by you from zero, you need to know that bad programming means more vulnerabilities

3- your web script should be programmed to crypt passwords(md5,sha-1,DES...), and u have to use a hard password for your admin account.

4-the password of your admin account should be different than the (cpannel, ftp, phpmyadmin, mysql...) passwords.

5- change the path and the name of the website administration's folder, and if u have Cpannel you can give a password for this folder.

this needs also to modify some codes in your script

6-use a website vulnerability scanner, like Acunetix wvs or nikto... to know if your website is vulnerable to attacks like (sql injection, local file include, remote file include, authentication bypass, buffer overflow, XSS, CSRF...).

Posted on 7:06 PM by test

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wampserver is marked online, but his icon in notification area is orange, that's means there is a problem to connect to the appache server service, so u need to check httpd.conf file's settings in apache menu, but most of time if u didn't touch this file the problem is due to port conflict.

just close the application that uses the same port as apache(port 80),or change connection settings of this application, we are not talking here about browsers.

for example if you are running skype and you got this problem just follow this steps.

methode(A):1- close skype.


1- in the menu bar of skype click tools then options
2- in the skype options left side click advanced then connection.
3- uncheck "use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections.

Posted on 1:08 PM by test

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trend micro the Japanese security software entreprise, has found malicious firefox and chrome plugins that take control of user accounts on social networks.

trend micro explained that those plugins share contents and like pages and posts in facebook, twitter, google+ Without the user's approval.

the names of those malwares in google chrome are(Chrome Service Pack 5.0.0,F-Secure Security pack 6.1.0), and in mozilla firefox (Mozilla Service Pack 5.0,F-Secure Security pack 6.1). the malicious istalled files have these names TROJ_FEBUSER.AA and JS_FEBUSER.AA.

tren micro confirmed that the hackers have added a trusted electronic signature to the browser extensions in order to facililate its mission in control uses accounts on the three social networks easily without being discovered by antivirus softwares.

this malware attacks only chrome and firefox users.

Trend micro advised the users to make sure of any browser extension source before downloading it to not give opportunity for malicious files to infect their computers.

Posted on 11:19 AM by test

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Monday, July 29, 2013

this is important for cybercafe goers to prevent cybercafe's owner from spying on them.

2-control pannel
4-allow programms throught windows firewall
5-choose handycafe client

7-confirm (OK)

Posted on 4:24 PM by test

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Get exactly what you're searching for easily with one of these google commands.
-Searching for a precise Sentence,in google's search textbox type your sentence between quotes:
"your sentence"

-seaching for a specific file type(extensions:pdf,rar,zip,mp3,flv.....),in google's search textbox type the name of the file you are search for then filetype:extension
query file_type:pdf

-searching for a sentence that exist in a specific domaine name(domaine_name:com,info,org,biz,us,co,uk,fr,nl....),in google's search textbox type your query then
query site:uk

-searching for a sentence that exist in titlebar of the browser:
allintext: query

-searching for a sentence that exist in a website content:
allintext: query

-searching for a sentence that existe in website Link/URL:
allinurl: query

Posted on 2:32 PM by test

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this problem is due the bad connectivity between the A/C adapter pin and the device power receptacle.

most of the time, the colored plastic circle is broken, just buy a new pin to repair your adapter.

Posted on 11:31 AM by test

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Connectify Hotspot helps you share your computer's Internet connection with many other systems over Wireless wi-fi . On condition that your pc is on-line , the other nearby devices - and friends and partners - will be , too

Connectify transform your computer or laptop to a wireless router.

Share computer internet connection

1- install and run hotspot Connectify:

2- Hotspot name (SSID): Enter the name you want to show in wifi networks.

3- choose a password for your new SSID.

4- Start Hotspot.

Posted on 10:23 AM by test

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keyboard shortcuts to switch between application's windows

- For windows OS:

-For Linux OS:

- For Mac OS:

Posted on 9:03 AM by test

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this problem due to a virus that change file attributes "autorun.inf". so we need to change back this attributes to make these files visible again. but before doing that we have to remove autorun.inf virus.

1-run a scan using auto-run eater to delete autorun virus:

2- Open the command Prompt Cmd and type this command bellow to make your data visible(x= external hdd letter):
attrib -H -S x:\*.* /S /D

Posted on 8:26 AM by test

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

open port in d-link DSL-2640R
1-enter this adresse in the browser:
2-enter username and password: by default the username is admin and the password is admin
3-click Advanced
4-choose Port forwarding
5-click Add button
6-private ip: enter your computer ip in local network
  protocol Type:ALL TCP/UDP
  Public start port: the port you want to open
  Public End port: put the same value u put in public start port or heigher value if u want to open a ports range.
  Connection:PVC0 or PVC1...

Posted on 8:47 PM by test

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unetbooting helps u to create bootable Live USB drives for Linux Distributions (
Ubuntu, Fedora , Debian, Linux Mint, PCLinuxOS, Sabayon Linux, Gentoo, OpenSuse, MEPIS, Arch Linux, Damn Small Linux, Zenwalk, Slax, DreamLinux, SliTaz, Elive, CentOS, Puppy Linux, gNewSense, Mandrive, FreeBSD, LinuxConsole, NetBSD, LinuxConsole, Flugalware, xPUD, Android ...)

Download link:

Posted on 3:51 PM by test

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For Accent laptops, don't bother yourself searching for webcam driver. just active the camera by using this keyboard shortcut, Fn+F11 or Fn+(camera button).

Posted on 2:55 PM by test

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add the start button in win8's taskbar.
download link:

Posted on 1:47 PM by test

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in photoshop:
1- go: Files >> import >> video frames to layers
2- in the load dialogue page write "*" without quotes then click load
3- now u can choose your gif file to import

Posted on 10:07 AM by test

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first, we need to know that a new encrypted virus can be undetectable to all or some of antiviruses,its just a question of time for the virus to be detectable,that's why antiviruses need always an update.
scanning with more than 40 antivirus will just increase the chances to detect virus, and of course never it will be 100%.

use these websites to scan your files online for viruses.

threatexpert scan your files and give you good additional information about who hacked you, ex his(email, no-ip, domaine name,irc channel...), specially the viruses that takes control  of computer or steal informations.

Posted on 9:42 AM by test

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

two things makes the computer fan noisy
the fan is dirty
bad thermal conductivity between the fan and cpu (cpu become hot)

1-clean the computer fan, hold the can of compressed air roughly six inches away and spray directly at the fan from several different angles.

2-use the Thermal grease (thermal gel) above the cpu if it gets hot, to increase the thermal conductivity between the fan and the cpu

Posted on 6:30 PM by test

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1-open the home page of facebook:
2-on the left column click on "More".
3-on the right of "friends" click "more"

4-in the middle of page click "create list(1)" then give it a name(2)and choose your friends you want to add to this list.

Posted on 2:41 PM by test

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paltalk users can't creat a nickname that start with numbers from paltalk client.
to creat this special nickname in paltalk voice chat, register an account from paltalk website.
registration link:

Posted on 2:18 PM by test

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generally old bios doesn't support boot from usb, but with this "plop boot manager" u can boot from usb without any problem,

1-download plpbt plob boot manager:

2-copy the files "plpbt.bin" and "plpgenbtldr.exe" in c:\\

3-open the command promp and type the commands bellow
          cd \
          start boot.ini
4-in the last ligne of boot.ini file type:
c:\\plpbtldr.bin="pLop Boot Manager"
and save this file

5-reboot your computer
6- choose "plop boot manager" at the startup
7-choose boot from usb

Posted on 2:02 PM by test

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internet download manager installed but there is no download button in firefox, install this firefox plugin to solve this problem.
firefox plugin link:

Posted on 10:50 AM by test

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KeyScrambler Personal is a totally free application for your web browser that insures what you type from keyloggers . It defeats keyloggers by encrypting the keystrokes at the keyboards driver level , profound within the computer system . Once the encrypted keystrokes get to your browser , KeyScrambler after that decrypts all of them which means you see exactly the keys you've just typed . Keyloggers can simply record the encrypted keys , which are totally indecipherable . Contrary to anti-virus and anti-spyware products that rely on identification to remove keyloggers which they have knowledge of , KeyScrambler can protect you from both well-known and unknown keyloggers . What's more , KeyScrambler offers security without getting in your way . You don't have anything at all to find out about the program and you don't need to do anything in a different way , however with KeyScrambler your valuable personal data is going to be a whole lot secured . KeyScrambler Personal supports 33 widely used browsers , such as Firefox , Chrome , Ms internet explorer , Opera , Safari , etc .

Posted on 10:27 AM by test

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if your photoshop doesn't write correctly in arabic.
1-type your text in this website:
2-click the "copy" button
3-past the text in photoshop

Posted on 9:26 AM by test

1 comment

windows Xp :

3-write "regedit" without quotes, (OK)
4-go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft /Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer
5-Right-click in the right-hand window and create a new "value DWORD" with the
name of: AlwaysUnloadDll , and give it the value of: 1.

Windows 7 :

2-write "regedit" without quotes, (OK)
3-go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer
4-Right-click in the right-hand window and create a new "value DWORD" with the
name of: AlwaysUnloadDll , and give it the value of: 1.

This change does not apply to older 16 bit DLLs. Some programs may give an
invalid page fault message, or crash the system.

To turn it off: delete the AlwaysUnloadDll entry. 

Posted on 9:08 AM by test

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PPTP VPN is so easy to get setup that mostly it need less than one minute to get VPN session started,
there are many websites that offer this service for free.
what we need from those websites is just the server link , username and password.

setup VPN client on WinXP

setup Vpn client on win7

setup vpn client on mac osx

setup vpn client on linux ubuntu

Posted on 8:11 AM by test

1 comment

Friday, July 26, 2013

Maxthon International transforms the web browsing experience for personal computers and mobile devices. With speed, ease of use and exclusive features, Maxthon brings the web to your fingertips – literally.

maxthon cloud browser gives the ability to play browser games and specially the online ones without lagging,a lot of companies don t have time to transform their mmo browser games to client games (ex: pockie pirates, pockie ninja...), but with maxthon cloud browser u can play your mmo game the same way as playing on a client, to do that just:

Download from:
1-install the browser.
2-enter the game.
3-click bouton " play on a window"

Posted on 8:40 PM by test

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